PeopleWeek combines all the features of a corporate intranet, a digital collaboration workplace and HR tools across the employee lifecycle.
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Recently Deployed Features
The following software features have been deployed in the past 12 months
Product News
Upcoming Features
New Features and Modules in the Development Pipeline
Talent Pools
This new functionality will enable Recruitment Managers to create talent pools and to assign access rights for each pool to specific individuals (“Talent Pool Managers”). Recruitment Managers and Talent Pool Managers can add and remove profiles from talent pools. Recruitment Managers can invite a candidate from a talent pool to apply for a new vacancy. This functionality is scheduled to be implemented in May 2023 and will be subject to a one-time implementation fee.
Common Objectives
HR will be able to create a library of common objectives for the whole organisation, entities and departments. Managers will be able to create common objectives for their own team. Each common objective will have a title, description, deadline, a default weighting, and a default KPI. The default values can be modified because they may vary by employee according to their role and their other objectives. This functionality is scheduled to be implemented in May 2023 and will be subject to a one-time implementation fee.
Advanced Calendar
This new functionality will have 3 core features: 1) A new quick view UI for displaying employees’ absences and remote working days throughout the year, including which roles can see this information; 2) Incorporating employees’ working schedules in the calendar; and 3) Filtering the absences calendar by multiple employees simultaneously (thereby helping users to organised team activities, e.g. meetings). This functionality is scheduled to be implemented in June 2023 and will be subject to a one-time implementation fee.
Customised Reports with Optional Templates Library
We are developing a new feature that will enable HR to build their own custom reports in Excel based on the data contained in the existing report “Employee Master Data”. You will be able to design your report by field, column order, and customise the column title. This functionality is scheduled to be implemented in March 2023. An advanced version of this module will enable HR to saved the customised report as a template in a library. The template can be re-used and the library displays who created the template, the date it was created, and the last time it was used. Templates can be cloned and then modified, as well as archived and unarchived. The Templates Library functionality will be subject to a one-time implementation fee.
Pricing Table
Integration Fees
- Customized Developments
- Customized API Connexions
- Form Integrations
- Workflow Integrations
- Data Migration
License Fees up to 50 users
- Human Capital Management People Module
- Pay Management Payroll Data, Payslip Management, Salary & Bonus Reviews
- Performance Objectives, Evaluations, Improvement Plans
- Learning Training Administration, LMS integrations
- Hiring Recruitment, Onboarding
- Talent Management Development Planning, Succession Planning, Talent Assessment
- Collaborative Intranet Document Sharing, Events, News, Projects, Surveys
- Compliance Attestation Forms, Reporting, Onboarding Declarations
Incremental License Fees 50 users
- 51-200 Users : 150 CHF/EUR per user/year
- 201-350 Users : 140 CHF/EUR per user/year
- 351-500 Users : 130 CHF/EUR per user/year
- 501-1000 Users : 110 CHF/EUR per user/year
- 1001-3000 Users : 95 CHF/EUR per user/year
- 3001-5000 Users : 90 CHF/EUR per user/year
- 5001-10000 Users : 85 CHF/EUR per user/year
- >10000 Users : 80 CHF/EUR per user/year